The AI revolution is upon us, and if you are someone like me – you’ve probably considered whether a robot can replace your job. If that’s the case, here’s a list of 10 jobs that will forever be out of reach of our metal friends.
1. Social Workers
A sympathetic emotional connection is what truly makes social workers the absolute gems that they are. A user rightfully mentions that no matter how human AI gets, there’s no beating a heart-to-heart conversation between two humans.
2. Engineers
Engineers have driven innovation and change since their inception. While AI can undoubtedly understand, interpret and extrapolate data, it lacks the creativity and ingenuity that has led to humans reaching the moon, curing diseases, and, heck, even creating AI in the first place.
3. Acting
Would Titanic really be all that special if you knew Jack’s circuits could survive freezing temperatures? The nuance and creativity of acting in a specific scene and contextualizing a particular character are still best left to the human mind.
4. Customer Support
Getting stuck in an endless pre-recorded voice loop of angry keypad presses can be quite agitating. It is only when you get to the voice at the other end of the line that your eyes glimmer with some semblance of hope.
As it stands, many in the thread agree that AI still can’t interpret a lot of different accents, demeanors, and verbiage. Because of this, we’re not expecting robots to be explaining why someone needs to
5. Artist
Art is an expression of the human soul. It carries themes, meanings, and messages that transcend the particular piece itself. While AI can make absolutely gorgeous art, it doesn’t think of its own accord but instead approximates a meaning.
So, while seeing what AI creates out of seemingly thin air is bedazzling, artists who put their heart and soul into their pieces aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
6. Athletes
While two robots duking it out is endless fun to watch, legendary athletes like LeBron James or Serena Williams aren’t famous because they’re perfect – it’s because they aren’t. Someone mentioned how their struggle, hard work, and determination have been why millions tune in to watch the big game and root for their favorite team on the big screen.
7. Airline Pilot
This might come as a shocker to many, especially because aviation is quite an automated industry. However, while autopilot does wonders for a pilot, AI cannot be trained in every situation due to the extent of external variables. For example, an electrical failure that can be introduced in an emergency.
8. Doctors
Sure, AI can diagnose some diseases and suggest treatments, but does it have the emotion to hold your hand and tell you that everything will be okay? Or, better yet, can it make terrible hospital food taste better?
While AI has its place in health care, the precise surgical hand of a human and the compassion of doctors, coupled with their ability to connect the dots, leaves AI in the dust.
9. Barber
Think about this for a second, do you head to the barber for just a cut? Or is it the lively chatter, the emerging gossip, and the friendly smile of someone oh-so-familiar? While a robot may give you the perfect fade, it’s the suggestion that you should probably not dye your hair shocking purple that’ll save you from embarrassing yourself on your date tomorrow night.
10. Therapist
Therapists are great at what they do because they can relate to you on some human level. While AI can be programmed to serve some pre-defined responses, it can’t relate to your experiences and provide you with grounded advice that makes sense according to your situation.
This thread inspired this post.