What the Great Recession Taught Us About How to Invest in 2023

Some people are taking “social distancing” seriously, while others are going about their lives as nothing has changed. Only time will tell the severity of this virus. 

Living Through a Recession is Difficult

One of my biggest worries with the historic bull run during the past ten years is people have forgotten what it’s like to live through a recession. 

While this technically isn’t a recession yet since a recession requires two consecutive quarters of negative gross domestic product (GDP) growth, we’re most likely headed in that direction. 

Stick to Your Long-Term Plan

The truth is nobody knows what the market will look like in the next couple of months. If anyone did, they would be the wealthiest person in the world.

Help Others in Need

We look for organizations that take the dollar we give and amplify it. We will continue to search for opportunities to give back to a community that has been so good to us.

If you are not in good financial shape, use that money to get caught up on debt payments or build a small emergency fund. Even a $1,000 emergency fund can provide you with incredible peace of mind.

Lessons Learned from the Great Recession

If the Great Recession taught us anything, it’s not to panic, be thankful for the good things in our life, and be generous to people who need help. 

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