4 Ways Our Family is Trying to Address Racism

People are scared to put their thoughts out there because they’re afraid of their words and intentions being miss understood. I am too, but it’s important to share even if my words aren’t perfect.

Listening and learning are critical parts of this process. But unfortunately, too many of us live in our bubbles and are blind to the complexities of racism.

I want my kids to know that we should still love one another even though we may be different.

Ensure my Kids Have Exposure to People of Different Backgrounds

My goal is to become more aware of my biases towards anyone with a different background than myself.

Hire, Mentor, and Promote Minorities

For example, focusing more on diversity instead of cultural fit can sometimes be at odds. I want to help pull up the people around me that need the most help.

I believe that voting is the single most effective way for most of us regular citizens to make meaningful changes in society.

Vote in Local Elections to Address Racism

My commitment is to become more educated in local elections. To make sure I don’t skip local elections in the future.

I’ve appreciated how the church we go to has not tip-toed around racism. Instead, it’s addressed it head-on while acknowledging the shortcomings of our church.

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