Vanguard vs. Blackrock Funds:    Is One Better Than the Other?

If you’re an owner of an exchange-traded fund (ETF) or index fund, chances are they are from either Vanguard or Blackrock. These two companies are the powerhouses in the industry.


Vanguard is publicly traded, which differs from most other prominent investment firms. However, Vanguard designed its structure to be unique to make money for only its clients.


Blackrock started in 1988 with eight people in a single room who shared a determination to put clients’ needs first. By 1999, Blackrock rapidly grew to $165 billion in assets under management

Who Owns Vanguard and Blackrock?

Vanguard has a unique ownership structure where the clients own the company. Blackrock is a publicly-traded company seeking to profit its shareholders.

Should You Invest in Blackrock or Vanguard?

From this comparison, you see there aren’t significant differences between similar Vanguard and Blackrock funds. Your decision on where to invest your money may come down to other factors

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