FIRE Movement Needs More Mainstream Media Attention on This

The FIRE movement has received a lot of attention recently in mainstream media. It seems as if almost daily someone from the personal finance blogging community is getting featured in a major news outlet.

The fact that the FIRE movement is getting so much attention is great. However, I do wonder what impression these articles are leaving with people outside of the personal finance community.

So what’s missing? I believe there’s a third component in addition to FI and RE that mainstream media fails to focus on. GENEROSITY!

The Media Needs to Focus More on This…

The Benefits of Giving

The benefits includes making us healthier, happier, less stressed, improved relationships, and longer lives.

Giving reminds us that we are part of a much bigger, more interconnected world. It makes us appreciate the gifts that we have, especially for those of us in first world countries.

You should start giving now. Only you can determine the appropriate amount or percentage to give.

When Should You Start Giving?

Even if you can only afford to give $5 a month, start by giving something to a cause you care about. It will help you develop a habit for when you have more to give.

Starting small and thinking big will allow you to feel the pull of gratitude. Giving all starts with the right mindset.

Money with a Purpose: What Does Being Thankful Mean to You?

I’m a believer that we should all find a way to give back in some way. This can be with money, time, or even blood (literally). The best time to start giving is right now.

Generosity in the FIRE Movement

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