Can You Become Financially Independent with Kids?

Kids are expensive. Nobody ever says they will have kids to help speed up their journey to financial independence. That is not the reason anyone would decide to have children.

Expenses When Pursuing Financial Independence with Kids

We do our best to keep lifestyle inflation in check, but it gets more challenging with a growing family.

Changing Your Money Mindset With Kids

Ensuring that my children are in a safe and loving environment to thrive takes top priority.

Other Expenses When Pursuing Financial Independence with Kids

We’ve already mentioned the high cost of health care, daycare, food, diapers, formula, and clothing.

Family Over Self When Pursuing Financial Independence with Kids

The important thing when pursuing financial independence is to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Being a parent pursuing financial independence is a constant balancing act. We do our best to spend on things we really care about and cut costs ruthlessly on things we don’t.

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