When you are going on a trip and don’t have that much money to spend on things you’re bringing, this isn’t a disaster. You can have only a little money and still bring everything you need. Whether you’re going on a trip abroad, going to camp in the mountains, or will spend several days on the beach, you can bring everything you need without breaking the bank. To save money for the trip and still have all the items you need, below are five affordable things to bring with you on a trip.
Light Shorts
Wherever you are going, if it is going to be at all, hot shorts are a must-bring. You could buy expensive hiking shorts, but you could buy a good pair of light shorts for a lot cheaper. Whether you’re looking for girl shorts or boy shorts, there are plenty of options. Don’t settle for bringing the heavy, uncomfortable pair you always wear. It’s worth it to buy a cheap pair of light shorts that you won’t need to worry about. Think of them as a trip expense. Bringing those shorts back with you is a bonus.
Instead of bringing your nice headphones and risking losing them on the trip, buy a cheap pair of earbuds or another style of headphones before you go. If you’re used to expensive headphones, you may not like how they sound, but you will be relieved that they weren’t your nice pair if you lose them. It’s easy to lose something as small as headphones on a trip. It’s worth it to pick up a cheap pair and keep the expensive ones at home where they are safe. You will be happy you did, especially if you lose them.
A Cheap Watch
The same goes for your nice watch. Instead of bringing a beautiful piece on your trip, go to the store and buy a cheap watch that tells the time and is comfortable on your wrist. If you go to a place like Rio de Janeiro, you won’t want to be sporting a fine watch. You may also not want to take out your phone to get the time. This is an excellent travel tactic for many reasons. A cheap wristwatch will give you time without risking any unfortunate loss or misplacement. Cheap watches get the job done. Leave the nice ones at home.
A Belt
Of course, a belt is compulsory if you need to keep your pants up, but does it have to be a nice one? A cheap belt that does its job is like wearing a cheap watch. It won’t look flashy, and you won’t have to deal with security at a foreign airport. They could tell you the metal can’t go through, but with a cheap cloth belt, you won’t have to deal with this. It can be fashionable or bright but keep the fancy belts at home. If you need a cheap one, go ahead and buy one.
A cheap pair of sunglasses is a must on any trip. You don’t want to risk losing, scratching, or getting your designer sunglasses stolen. The job these glasses need to do is to shield your eyes from the sun’s rays. They can also help you sleep in uncomfortable situations. If you don’t have a cheap pair of sunglasses to bring with you on the trip, it’s even worth picking one up at a convenience store. If something happens to the glasses, you aren’t emotional about them. It’s a must for any trip.
These affordable items above will help you round everything out when packing for a trip. Leave your expensive items at home unless you are going to a resort. Then we wouldn’t even be having this conversation about being frugal. Trips are expensive, even if you are taking a rugged adventure through the wilderness. When you go abroad, there is a different set of rules. Be careful not to bring nice things that could be broken or lost. Instead, stock up on these cheap items and have no care in the world if something happens to them.
Mark is the founder of Financial Pilgrimage, a blog dedicated to helping young families pay down debt and live financially free. Mark has a Bachelor’s degree in financial management and a Master’s degree in economics and finance. He is a husband of one and father of two and calls St. Louis, MO, home. He also loves playing in old man baseball leagues, working out, and being anywhere near the water. Mark has been featured in Yahoo! Finance, NerdWallet, and the Plutus Awards Showcase.