The rising cost of college tuition continues to result in individuals taking out a record amount of student loans. As a result, student loans continue to be a significant barrier for young families.
In addition, student loans play a role in millennials delaying major life events such as purchasing a home or having children.
Even though $50,000 in student loans is a lot, it could have been much more.
The 20 hours per week internship paid for my tuition and $800 per month. Combined with my weekend server/bartender job, I fully supported myself through grad school.
These may seem like common sense suggestions, but it amazes me how few people decide to do them.
I know community college isn’t the full college experience. However, community college allows a much cheaper option for your first two years of college.
I graduated from one of the lowest-ranked schools in my state. Yet, I’ve never found this a barrier to my career growth.
It will take work to get a scholarship or grant, but the payoff can be huge. So the moral of the story is to keep an eye out for scholarships that fly under the radar.