SpaceX stock is not a company that investors can buy through standard channels. You will not find it on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the Nasdaq.
Most investors in SpaceX are institutional or high-net-worth investors. If a retail investor cannot directly buy SpaceX stock on an exchange, then the question remains of how to buy SpaceX stock.
It is an aerospace company that designs and builds rockets and communication satellites. It was founded in 2002 initially as Space Exploration Technologies Corp.
The main product is the Falcon 9 rocket, a reusable rocket. These rockets provide lower-cost launch services for satellites weighing up to 440 pounds (200 kilograms).
Unfortunately, this fact means small investors cannot buy or sell shares on a stock exchange
There are a few pros to buying SpaceX stock. First, the company is on the cutting edge of commercial space travel and has enormous growth potential.
There are a few cons of buying SpaceX stock too. First, the company is private and pre-IPO shares are difficult to value, as well as having less liquidity.
Although SpaceX is raising money, most small investors cannot buy shares. However, institutional and high-net-worth individuals can.