Credit Card Churning to Travel For Free

Credit cards are something that people often use with caution. They can bring on unnecessary debt if you lack the discipline, and generally, people carry around one to two cards personally.

Credit card churning is a method of opening and closing many credit cards to obtain points and miles to travel for free.

Travel hacking is the mode of gaining free or cheaper travel by earning points and miles through credit card sign-ups and bonuses.

What is Travel Hacking?

Credit card churning opens up cards, hits the sign-up bonuses, and closes them. People will use credit card churning to earn air miles, travel rewards, or cashback.

What is Credit Card Churning?

With the influx of new applications, you may throw off some red flags, and banks may think you are in financial struggle.

How Credit Card Churning Affects Credit

Also, be wary of your available credit. Credit card companies like users to use less than 30% of their credit. Opening cards can allow you to increase your credit score. 

- Chase - American Express - Citi Credit Card

Banks Protecting Themselves From Credit Card Churners

Manufactured spending is spending money to achieve card rewards from credit cards. You have to manufacture enough spending where you are not losing money.

Apply Some Manufucatured Spending Concepts