An Honest Review of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University

Financial Peace University is an interactive nine-week course facilitated primarily by weekly videos featuring Dave Ramsey. Dave uses a seven-step approach to eliminate debt known as the baby steps.

The baby steps 

1) Save $1,000 In An Emergency Fund 2) Pay Off All Debt With The Debt Snowball 3) 3 to 6 Months Expenses in Saving 4) Invest 15% Of Income Into Roth IRAs and Pre-Tax Retirement Plan 5) Put Money In Savings for College Education 6) Pay Off Your Home Early 7) Build Wealth and Give

Whether you are a personal finance nerd like me or brand new to the concepts, this class has something for all. I found that concepts that are common to me, such as budgeting, eliminating debt, and building emergency savings, were entirely new for others. What Dave does so well is explaining the "why" behind reducing debt and increasing savings.

What Does Financial Peace University Cost?

The regular online price if you buy on its own is $129.00. While it's is a lot of money, the investment encourages commitment to the course. I've heard many Financial Peace University leaders comment that the first people to drop out are usually where someone else purchased their course materials.

Is FPU Biblical?

Yes, and no. But mostly yes. Dave is not shy about sharing that FPU is based on biblical principles. I say no because even though FPU is based on biblical principles, the references to the Bible or Christianity are not off-putting to non-believers. 

Summary of Financial Peace University

I believe just about anyone could benefit from joining a Financial Peace University small group. Even individuals who are savvy with personal finance would benefit from the group aspect.

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