Make money while you sleep it sounds like a dream but could it come true? Everybody loves napping. A good nap can help reenergize us and power through our day.
What if we could combine the two? Not just napping or making money while you sleep, but getting paid to nap? Believe it or not, there are many ways to get paid to nap. Check out these options.
There is a demand for similar services for children or the elderly too. Like pet sitting, you’ll stay overnight, take care of anything that comes up, and get paid for it.
To get paid to nap as a sleep executive, you’ll use and review different products of these interior designers under several conditions to see how it changes your sleep.
Eachnight will hire people to help assess their naps, and weigh up the pros and cons. When chosen to participate, you’ll get paid to nap by filling out a questionnaire about each nap you take.
It could take a while before you have a blog that makes money, but with enough work (and some good shuteye at hotels), you too could earn money from your hotel blog and get paid to nap.