Through real life opportunities you have a much better chance of finding meaningful work that you’re good at. Working for a large organization allows you to try a bunch of different things.
When you have an opportunity to work in an organization with more experienced professionals you may find yourself in a better position to learn these skills from others. You’ll learn so much simply by surrounding yourself with great leaders.
Even if you only invest for the first five or ten years of your early career, you’ll likely finish a millionaire. Having this strong foundation may allow you to take additional professional risks while your retirement savings are compounding.
Changing jobs within an organization allows you to maintain existing relationships and retain knowledge of your company’s culture. If you have a positive reputation at an organization, you and your colleagues may find yourselves in other roles.
Steady Salary to Pay Down Debt and Establish an Emergency Fund
A steady income will allow you to develop a plan to pay down debt, build savings, and invest in retirement accounts.
One of the biggest barriers to entrepreneurship in the United States is the lack of affordable health care. Most companies will provide subsidized health insurance which is critical if you ever have a large medical expense.