Fitness programs has always been a big part of my life. When I refer to fitness in this article, we’ll be talking about both sides of the equation — physical activity and nutrition.
Financial fitness and fitness programs are behavioral. And they’re personal. Everyone’s situation is different. Hopefully this blog post resonates with some people, but it’s impossible for it to be relatable to everyone.
When we’re changing habits, complexity is the enemy of progress. Here’s what simplicity looks like in each of these areas. - Nutrition: Eat real food and not too much. - Fitness: Get moving doing something you enjoy. - Finance: Spend less than you make and invest the difference in something you understand.
If you’re needing to make big changes with your fitness or finances, trust the process and make a personal commitment to track your food intake, dollars spent, and workouts completed. You’ll be shocked at the results.
“There’s been a lot of work done to help people change their behavior, but we really don’t have many successful interventions to help people maintain those changes over time,” says Jennifer Sumner, PhD, assistant professor of behavioral medicine.