How To Make Money on YouTube in 2022 – A Detailed Guide

YouTube users, both content creators, and viewers are worldwide. To put things into perspective, almost half of the global internet users access YouTube every month.

Based on the user base and popularity, YouTube is one of the best platforms to make money online.

The first and foremost you’d need is a YouTube channel, assuming you already know your channel category. YouTube channel is the place where all your content lives.

YouTube Channel

Create And Upload Videos

Creating and uploading videos is one of the significant ingredients of becoming a successful YouTuber. Content is the key.

Google AdSense will hold your payment till the threshold and then payout through direct deposit or mail-in check.

Setup a Google AdSense Account

YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is a partnership agreement between the content creator and YouTube to the YouTube’s terms and conditions for video ads.

Participate in YouTube Partner Program (YPP)

YouTube Ads

Once you’re eligible to monetize your channel, you can start generating revenue through display ads. There are four different video ad types based on the ad format.

Affiliate marketing has been around for decades. It comprises earning an online referral commission through an affiliated brand or product recommendation.

Affiliate Marketing

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