Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency created in 2013 by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer as a joke. They decided to name the coin after a popular meme of “doge” (featuring a Shiba Inu dog).
With its solid performance in 2021 (and lots of media hype), Dogecoin may seem like a desirable option for investors looking to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency market and build wealth.
So you’ve done your research and decided that you want to purchase Dogecoin, whether to enter the digital coin market or acquire some virtual money or add to your coin wallet and earn some interest. You’ll probably be wondering how to buy Dogecoin exactly. Here’s how to do so, step by step.
To buy Dogecoin, you’ll need to open an account on a cryptocurrency exchange. This exchange is an online place where buyers and sellers meet to buy-and-sell cryptocurrencies. Some popular exchanges include Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken.
Before buying any crypto-currency or making trades, you’ll need to deposit some money in your account. Most exchanges will let you deposit money directly from a chequing or savings account. Some will accept wire transfers or PayPal transfers.
Once your money has gone through and is sitting in your account, you can place an order for Dogecoin. You can search for Dogecoin via its name or by typing in its ticker: DOGE. Then, specify how many Dogecoins you want to buy (or what dollar amount you wish to pay), and your anonymous purchase of Dogecoin should go through.