Cheap Meals that’ll Save You Money

Going out to restaurants and eating fast food can be incredibly expensive. One of the most significant ways to stretch your budget is by making cheap meals at home.

Here you’ll find cheap breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. While these easy recipes might use inexpensive ingredients, you won’t feel like you’re sacrificing taste.

One commenter wisely pointed out that this recipe is inexpensive because, besides the almond milk, all the ingredients are non-perishable, so you can use them to make multiple batches.

Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

These egg bites are loaded with protein and will give you the energy you need to start the day. Store them in the fridge and reheat them in the microwave when you need a quick breakfast.

Spinach, Egg, and Cheese Bites

Serve the salad on cucumber slices, stuffed in an avocado, or as a lettuce wrap for a yummy keto or low-carb lunch idea.

Tuna and Egg Salad

Pesto, pasta, cheese, fresh greens, and crunchy bell peppers complement each other perfectly; you’ll love every bite.

Pesto Pasta Salad

This recipe is a creative spin on lasagna, made with penne pasta, sauce, herbs, ground beef, and multiple types of cheese.

Poor Man’s Lasagna

This recipe even gives you substitution ideas, so if you don’t have one ingredient, you can easily swap it out for something else you already have on hand.

Sweet and Sour Meatball